Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Short Story

The common sound of an airplane landing, that loud yet setting sound; that was the sound of the Boeing 747 carrying Taylor, and Steve Robertson, from New York to Ethiopia to visit their parents that had flown to Ethiopia 2 days before. As the plane landed the Captain had announced that they would be docking the plane in 5 minutes at gate 3. 43 minutes later they had finally docked at the gate. Steve and Taylor had picked up their bags from the front of the plane, and proceeded to the pick up area.

"Mom, Dad," yelled Steve and Taylor. "How have the last 2 days been with out us?"

"They have been good, we have gotten a lot of work done, enough that we can actually get out and have some fun this week," said Charlotte.

Charlotte and Paul walked Steve and Taylor out to their black 2009 Hummer 2. 37 minutes later they had finally arrived at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Ethiopia. They got the presidential suite. It had a nice view of a lot of the city and it was an abnormally large hotel room. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a sitting area, and a nice large kitchen which was already a mess. The beds were nicely made and had chocolates thrown all over them, and there was a giant chandelier hanging from the roof.

"Mom what are we doing today?" asked Taylor, after she had finally finished unpacking all her clothes.

"I thought tonight we could all go to a bull fight," returned Charlotte.

"A bullfight in Ethiopia?"

"Yes Taylor, the bull fighter we are going to go see has quite a story to tell."

"Can you tell me?"

"No, because that would take away from the experience."

"But mom!"

"No, now here is 100 dollars, go exchange it and while you’re their get a little treat for all of us."


Taylor left the hotel room, exited and curious, about the bull fight to come, but she didn't know that, that very bull fight would change her life forever.

"Mom where is Taylor?" questioned Steve.

"She went to exchange money and get us all a treat," returned Charlotte, "If you leave now you can probably catch up to her."


Steve caught up to Taylor with out even breaking a sweat. They slowly walked towards the Money Mart. Taylor was wearing pink shoes and jeans, with a white t-shirt. Steve was wearing a pair of red, brown and white shorts, and a dark blue t-shirt. They finally made it to the Money Mart after a long hot walk.

"Hello, I would like to exchange 100 dollars American," said Taylor

"Yes sure, just let me go to the back and get the appropriate amount of cash," returned the Money Mart man. The man scurried into the back room looking like a small rodent running from a snake.

"Taylor what are we going to get as a treat?" asked Steve.

"I think we should run down the street to the bakery and get a cake," returned Taylor.

"No, I think mom would prefer ice cream, besides I want to go to the grocery store."

"I have a better idea, let’s get both, we will split up, I will get the cake, and you can get the ice cream."

"Ok, I will meet you back in the lobby in ten minutes."

Steve and Taylor bought a cake and some ice cream bars. They ran back to the hotel, and met up in the lobby. They took the elevator all the way up to the 11th floor where they found their parents very upset about them taking to long and because they bought 2 different treats. After enjoying a nice treat they finally left for the much anticipated bull fight. They took the elevator down 12 floors and to the park level, where they got into their Hummer 2. After a quite short drive to the Stadium Enstellia de Jueno. Charlotte, Steve and Taylor got out of the car to get the tickets while Paul parked the car.

"Mom, where are our seats?" asked Steve.

"Your father got us a private platinum box," returned Charlotte.

"Sweet!" yelled Steve and Taylor.

Paul met up with the others and than they entered the arena. The arena was huge, it was plated with gold all over the roof, and it had flags of all the different countries hanging from wires that were strung across the top of the stadium. In the middle of the floor there was a big circle of dirt that had little indents in the wooden wall that was surrounding it. The seats were padded and looked brand new. In the V.I.P platinum box section was a buffet with variety of foods from Cuba, USA, France, Italy and Greece. The boxes were cotton filled with linen outside and each box had two televisions situated on each side.

"Welcome to the Stadium Enstellia de Jueno, tonight you will be seeing the most famous bull fighter around, he was born in Cuba, is 5'6, weighing 147 pounds. Today he will be fighting 4 bulls. Each of a different weight. Bull number 1 weighed in at 377 pounds, Bull number 2 weighed in at 444 pounds, Bull number 3 weighed in at 502 pounds and you’re grand finally for the night, bull number 4 weighed in at 686 pounds. Now give it up for the one the only Alfonso Riviera Martinez," yelled the announcer with more energy than a kid on Christmas.

"Hello my name is Alfonso Riviera Martinez, I was born in Cuba, I illegally escaped using an armored hovercraft. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I am proud to be here. Now I will get to the good stuff. Here I present to you bull number 1, her name is Kristine."
The bull came flying out as fast as it could and Alfonso jumped out of the way in the knick of time. Again it came except this time Alfonso stabbed the picketers picks into his back. The bull running and Alfonso dodging went on for about 4 minutes until; Alfonso ripped his sword out and in 1 stab killed the bull.
"Dad that was awesome," yelled Steve.
"And they only get better," replied Paul.
But at that instance the entire stadium went dark, and all you could hear were screams, they sounded like death. 5 minutes later the lights shot back on as fast as you can blink an eye, but there was one problem, Paul and Charlotte weren’t there. 
"Help, Help," screamed Taylor, "My mom and dad have been kidnapped."
"I will stop those men," yelled Alfonso.
Alfonso ran with all his might to try to catch up with the 4 men that had taken Charlotte and Paul. 2 of them stopped and stood in front of Alfonso, while 2 of them kept running. Alfonso jumped in the air and did a spinning kick, he knocked both men unconscious. Alfonso kept running for another 10 meters but stopped because he knew it was no use. Alfonso walked back and when he stepped back in to the stadium all the jumbo-trons turned on. A woman who looked small, with short black hair and big glasses, wearing a black sweater, and smoking a long cigarette popped up and started to talk.
"Hello my name is Jung Soo Won, I am a North Korean scientist. I have kidnapped Paul and Charlotte Robinson. They have developed an advance weapons system, that my organization would very much, let's just say benefit from, but there 2 kids 
Taylor and Steve know exactly where they can find these blue prints for this system, if you 2 would ever like to see your parents again, go back to your hotel room, and whatever you do, do not contact the police, because I will know, and than your parents will die, thanks for the cooperation." 
The lights all flicked back on again, and the jumbo-trons turned off.
"Well what are you waiting for?" asked Alfonso.
"What do you mean?" replied Taylor. 
"Do you love your parents, actually that was a stupid question, of course you love your parents, but you want to see your parents again so you should figure out a plan of some kind, you know what I will walk you back to your hotel if that makes you feel better and I will help you come up with a plan." 
“Thank you,” said Taylor. 
Alfonso, Steve and Taylor all ran as fast as they could to Alfonso’s car. Alfonso drove as fast as he could as if he was competing for a racing trophy. He drifted, he skidded, he sped, he jumped and he even ran a few red lights. The three of them made it back to the hotel in 6 minutes. They sprinted up all the stairs because there was a huge line at the elevator. When they were at their room, Steve and Taylor realized that they had given their room keys to their parents. Without even a second of delay, Alfonso kicked the door down to find, 3 men armed with swords. Alfonso quickly dodged the first swipe of a sword and retaliated with a punch to the face and a kick to the knee, downing the man in seconds. Alfonso picked up the sword and quickly swung it back around to make a block, he than did a spin and knocked the sword out of the second man’s hand. Alfonso kicked the man in the face and he seemed to be knocked out. The third man was trying to make a getaway at the balcony, but Alfonso ran at him and Spartan kicked him off the balcony. 
“Alfonso, watch out!” yelled Taylor, as the second man stood up with his sword.
But at that split second, Steve jumped on the guys back and started to continuously punch him in the face for 30 seconds until the man fell over. 

“Thank you, you saved my life, and I am eternally great full, as a thank you gift, I would like to help you on your journey,” said Alfonso

“We greatly appreciate your help,” replied Taylor.

“It is the least I can do, but besides that, we need to find some clues about where these people could be hiding.”

“Alright, Steve and I will look in here and you can look in the bedroom, than we will switch, Alright?”

“Ok, let’s get to it.”

All 3 of them looked for 4 hours, spending an hour in each room. They only ended up finding one clue, it was a cell phone. Alfonso and the kids took the phone to a pro hacker. The hacker traced the last called number and found out that Jung Soo Won’s command center was in the Ethiopian mountains. Alfonso called his personally owned helicopter and had it fly them up to 1 mile away from where the base was. As they landed Alfonso found himself kicking and punching three men. He successfully knocked them out.

“Let’s keep moving, for all we know Jung Soo Won could be torturing your parents as we speak,” said Alfonso.

The 3 of them started to run and were making great time, but they ran into a road block. Right in front of the entrance stood three very large men of 3 different races. There was a black man who looked to be on steroids. There was a Chinese man who looked the least deadly, and there was a white man who was carrying a very long stick with 2 blades at the end.

Ill fight them off, but whatever you do stay hidden, I can’t afford the both of you to get captured,” whispered Alfonso.

Alfonso picked up a stone and whipped it as hard as he could at the black man, but he turned around and caught it as if he knew it was coming, or as if he had a 6th sense. Alfonso started running as fast as he could and did a flying double footed jump kick, he knocked the large white man right off the mountain. The black man ran over and picked Alfonso up off the ground and whipped him up against the wall of the cave. Immediately afterwards the Chinese man walked over, helped Alfonso off and than threw a punch at him. Alfonso luckily caught the punch and flipped the man over on to the ground. He than ran over to the black man and jumped on his back and started punching him in the nose. The Chinese man ran back and grabbed Alfonso by his collar. Alfonso weighed too much for the Chinese man and, he completely fell off the mountain, while dropping Alfonso. Alfonso than grabbed a rock and drilled the black man square in the temple. He fell over, as if he had just gone cold.

“C’mon guys, everything is ok,” said Alfonso.

“No it isn’t,” said Steve

“Why?” asked Alfonso

“Look,” said Steve as he pointed at a security camera.

“Oh, no, I guess we better get moving extra quickly.”

The 3 of them started to sprint and they made it inside the base with no problem. They all started to run up the main hallway, towards the control room but Alfonso stopped them half way and they ran into the armory room, to regroup and equip themselves.

“Alright guys, there are no men in that hallway, that means they are stationed in 2 areas, where your dad and mom are and at the main central control room. Grab every piece of armor you can and grab every weapon you can,” whispered Alfonso.

Taylor and Steve found, body armour, leg armour, head armour, they found handguns, machine guns and shot guns.

“Are you ready?” asked Alfonso.

“Yes,” replied Steve.

The three of them walked out and set up a square, using tables around themselves, they than covered the tables with bullet proof armour. They started shooting and as they suspected, all the men came running out of all the rooms. They shot in every which direction they could, blind firing, aiming and firing, they even threw the guns away that had ran out of bullets. After a long 17 minute gun fight, they finally had taken out all the men near the main hallway. Alfonso, Steve and Taylor moved into the central control base where they found out that Paul and Charlotte were being held in a high containment cell.

“Mom, Dad,” yelled Steve into the microphone, “I cant hear you but listen to me, whatever weapons you have in your cell, get ready to use them, we are about to come and break you out.”

Paul and Charlotte gave a thumbs up, and that was their queue. Alfonso, Taylor, and Steve all sprinted as fast as they could at a wall of men. They all jumped and kicked at the same time and they knocked all the men out.

“Oh no, the door is a quad titanium lock capacitor,” said Taylor.

“In English please?” asked Steve with a sarcastic tone.

“It means it has a 4 way security access code, 1 being the regular code, 2 being a fingerprint, 3 being an eye scan and 4 being either a saliva, or voice scan, by the looks of it, its probably a voice scanner.”

“Do you think you can break in?”

“Probably, just get me a laptop.”

Steve ran back to the central control room and found a laptop, while Alfonso stood on guard. Steve ran back and gave Taylor the laptop. Taylor hacked the lock in 11 minutes, a record time for her.

“Mom, Dad, are you okay?” asked Steve

“Yes we are fine,” replied Paul.

“Alright lets get our of here,” said Alfonso, running out of the cell.

“Where are you going?” asked Paul.

“To the Exit!” said Alfonso.

“We can get out here, from here, watch this!” said Paul as he picked up a car exhaust pipe that had a weird gold thing at the end of it. He started to pull the trigger and it burnt a whole straight throw the wall, giving them a straight exit. Alfonso called the helicopter and they were picked up.

Paul, Charlotte, Steve and Taylor went home and continued there lives as normal, but as a change in business plans they decided to keep their work more in the states. So they invested an extremely large amount of money into bull fighting. That’s how Alfonso’s life changed. He toured the world, from city to city bull fighting and kept the Robertson’s in their same high class of life style and made himself the second richest man in the world.


1 comment:

Jamieson said...

u have 2 describe the characters a bit cuz i dont kno at all wat they look like
same wit the other characters
i liked how u researched about a real plane instead of just sayin the plane.
Same wit the car/hummer.
good desciption of the hotel
at one point u said treat about 5 times in the same paragraph and it just didnt sound rite use more words
nice description of the staium but could b better
derscribe the bull fight more too
i dont really get it wit the lights turnin off, at first i thought it was just a effect on the stadium i didnt figure out that it was a crime thingy u shud expand on it more
also how wood alfonso get out of the centre of the stadium and run up the stands in time to catch the kidnappers, also if they wer doin the job rite they woodnt walk away in broad daylight wit people slung over ther shoulders it just doesnt work it wood b better if they did some intense way of catchin the parents instaed of just pickin em up and leavin it shouldnt b that easy
also how come u never kno bout this weapon thing b4 i mean how come u dont tell the reader bout the kids knowing wher the blue print thingys r at the beggining. if they really wanted the weapon they wood capture the kids and get them 2 tell them it just makes more sense.
anyways by the time u are at the crises about 2 paragraphs later ur at the climax wit this big fight scene its good but ther is no rising action. the falling action of the story goes by pretty fast which is good cuz wen the climax is over the reader kinda lets go so u gotta rap it up.
all2gether it was really good but not enough rising action. u shud add a lot more descibtion into the story
